How to Play Entre Dos Aguas (Lesson #6) | Fast Picado

Would you like me to show you how to get faster picado technique on the flamenco guitar? …Particularly in the fast picado section of “Entre Dos Aguas”? After completing this lesson, you’ll see the exact method I use to achieve faster picado on the flamenco guitar.

The late, great, Paco de Lucía’s “Entre Dos Aguas” demonstrates his incredibly fast picado abilities. Most of us flamenco guitarists only dream of matching his picado, apoyado, and legado speed and precision, but that shouldn’t discourage us from striving to achieve fast picado skills like Paco.

In this lesson you’ll learn a modified approach to Paco de Lucia’s rapid picado falseta, which with practice, you’ll be able to play at 210BPM—the same tempo as the original recording of this Spanish guitar rumba classic!

PATREON LINKS for this Lesson:

Lesson guide with TABs + standard notation

Audio backing/practice tracks

SoundSlice interactive TABs

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*For non-Patron Supporters: To gain access to the TABs, standard notation, backing tracks, GP7 files, and SoundSlice interactive TABs, head on over to to become a supporter of my weekly video tutorials and my podcast! Thank you in advance for your support. Every dollar helps!

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