How to Play Entre Dos Aguas (Lesson #8) | The "Pinky Finger Killer"

In this lesson, we dive deeper into "Entre Dos Aguas," focusing on the extensive use of picado throughout the piece. If your fingers are starting to develop calluses, you’re not alone!

We’ll be tackling some interesting and fun descending chromatic notes that will challenge and strengthen your fourth fretting finger (pinky). If your hand starts cramping a bit, don't worry—just shake it out and get back to it. With a few practice sessions, you’ll find these finger movements becoming much easier.

So, grab your guitar and let’s go! ¡Vámonos!

PATREON LINKS for this Lesson:

Lesson guide with TABs + standard notation

Audio backing/practice tracks

SoundSlice interactive TABs

*Note: For current Patreon Supporters: To download the lesson material for this lesson, please click the Patreon link(s) (above). Make sure that you are LOGGED INTO your Patreon account before clicking on the links.

*For non-Patron Supporters: To gain access to the TABs, standard notation, backing tracks, GP7 files, and SoundSlice interactive TABs, head on over to to become a supporter of my weekly video tutorials and my podcast! Thank you in advance for your support. Every dollar helps!

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